Data about Taiwan historical figures is very difficult to collect due to the incompleteness and contradiction of data. Accessibility of the data makes the problem even more complex. TBMC provides a solution by collecting related data as complete as possible and constructing a database with a powerful search engine.
Data about Taiwan historical figures is very difficult to collect due to the incompleteness and contradiction of data. Accessibility of the data makes the problem even more complex. TBMC provides a solution by collecting related data as complete as possible and constructing a database with a powerful search engine.
Taiwan Biographical Archive (臺灣人物誌數據庫) mainly includes data about historical figures during the period of Japanese Occupation. The scope of the collection has been extended by adding Qing Dynasty data. Historical figures are included without racial and sexual discrimination, and over half of them being Japanese. We created metadata for each entry, and the basic fields included name, educational background, experience, nationality, address, date of birth and data source. In addition to metadata, users can view the image of original document, the source of the data.